In response to this question, I could go a thousand different ways. But down to the core, theology matters because it is literally means "the study of God". We say we know God because we are Christians. Therefore, it is important to study Him and know as much as we can about Him. I really don't think many of us know God that well, or even put out much effort to get to know Him better. Sure, we pray and hopefully read our Bible's... often, but how many of us really delve into the deeper meanings and issues we find in our study of God.
I typed in "Theology" on YouTube and this was the first video that came up.
Joshua Harris made this video as a promo for his book, "Dug Down Deep" which frankly, I want to read now.
Joshua sums it up well when he says, "What we know about God shapes the way we think and live."
Most of the time we would like to think that what we know about ourselves shapes the way we think and live. If we are living for ourselves then yes, that would be true, but as followers of Christ we are living for something much larger. We know that our personal history has shaped us; the things we've seen, heard, and experienced. So in our study of God we can also assume that history has shaped theology. Because of this it is not hard to see how important it is to get a grasp of theology, it's background, and what it has turned into today. If our knowledge of God, or our "theology", shapes the way we think and live then we'd bettered keep learning and seeking so that we can think and live in a way that keeps growing and maturing.
Theology is important because God is... well, I guess you could say... important.
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