Thursday, February 10, 2011

While My Guitar Gently Weeps

So I've only just recently taken an interest in the Beatles, but this song is my favorite right now. Mostly for the pounding bassy rhythm during the verses, soft melodic voice floating gently over the ruckus, and of course the intermittent rants proclaimed by a protesting guitar.

Today is actually the first day I've examined the lyrics, and I am once again dumbfounded (after examining Pet Sounds) at how well the lyrics fit with the music. This song is by Beatles member George Harrison, and the feel is of frustration with what is happening. Whether that be a lover, person, people, band, world, etc...  You can see an obvious discontent with the norm he is experiencing expressed through his main source of expression: his guitar. As far as theological reflection, this song expresses lyrically and musically what most feel deep inside. Without God, all is meaningless... protest all you want yet people don't love, things stay dirty, discontent abounds, and the world still turns.

...and just for fun; the ukulele version.

1 comment:

  1. In case anyone was wondering- the ukulele rocks my socks. No, really. I LOVE the ukulele. I wish I had enough money to pay someone to teach me how to make them. They're amazing. Like teeny guitars. Only cooler.
