Tuesday, March 8, 2011

The Iconic AC Roadster

Ok, so I know not all of you are car fans, but this video really interested me. It is the new version of the car many will never forget; the AC Shelby Cobra.

And if you want details about the car, here's another...

So after seeing this, it's amazing to me how much American's try to "keep the dream alive". This car is trying to build off of the name it once had. Eventually the creator of the original got old (Carrol Shelby) and stopped producing the jaw dropping cars he once did. Because of this, these guys decided they needed to revamp the old one and hopefully re-create the legend. I personally am a fan of this new car and especially the old one, but it never ceases to amaze me how much people in this country have to prove themselves.
As far as theological reflection goes I am comforted that because of Christ, I don't have to prove myself. When I am asked after my life what I had to show for it and I expressed my accomplishment of a $450,000 car, I think I may have missed the point... I think this car is awesome, but I am glad that I have a purpose in this life that goes far beyond anything any man could create.
I've been thinking a lot about purpose this week. At one point in time, cars could have very well been my purpose. I now recognize that I can enjoy cars and retain something far greater.
...I suppose I'll go wash my car now, ha!

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